UV Technology

UV Technology
In a bodyshop, every minute counts! The ability to speed up workflow and maximise efficiencies can significantly reduce key-to-key time and boost profitability. UV technology can cure specialist filler and primer coats in seconds compared to traditional methods.
Here at Carlac, we are at the forefront of innovation, working hard to source the best tools and products that utilise this technological advancement. UV is an exciting and emerging development for the automotive refinish sector, and we are dedicated to expanding our growing range of UV tools and products for our customers.
The Symach UVA-LEDtronic Handheld UV Lamp
Symach has invested massively in the development of safe and effective UVA LEDtronic technology for the automotive refinish sector. Their latest handheld wand is the largest UV Curing lamp on the market and features 36 LED emitters along a 50cm strip that enables the user to work over bigger areas and several panels in sequence.
UVA-LEDtronic M1 can be used between the first and second coats of primer, allowing the fastest and most efficient drying results in the market whilst maintaining the highest safety standards and finish.
Check out this customer testimonial:
Symach UVA-LEDtronic Hanhelad UV Lamp Customer Review (UK) - YouTube
Discover this for yourself and book a free demo with one of our experts, and see the tech at work. Contact your Carlac Sales Rep or your local branch.