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Proper Storage Of Refinishing Products Ahead Of Cold Snap From The ‘Troll Of Trondheim’
With the incoming threat of the 'Troll from Trondheim' plunging the country into sub-zero temperatures, Carlac’s Managing Director Neil Firth is keen to remind Bodyshop managers about the importance of proper storage of inventory during cold weather:
"Given the current economic climate, nothing in a Bodyshop can go to waste, especially stock! Primers, clear coats, hardeners and many other products must be kept at an ambient temperature to maintain ease of use.
"If water-based products fall beneath the minimum temperature requirement, typically 5°C (always check the product’s data sheet for specific temperature information), the chemical stability breaks down, rendering them unusable, generating waste and impacting your profit margins.
"What many of our technical team see out in the field is bodyshops storing their products on the cold concrete of the mixing room floor. One quick win for this is to keep refinishing products elevated and stored on shelves. Plus, ensuring they're in a well-insulated/heated storage area means they're at the right temperature for use. Remember, proper storage equals a better finish and better profit for your Bodyshop."